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    • Capital city: Valletta
    • Languages: Maltese, English
    • Population: 518,536 (2021)
    • Nearest country: Italy (181km)
    • Total area: 316 km²
    • Visa free countries: 184
    • Currency: Euro €



A. Donation to the National Development and Social Fund

  • Single Applicant: €650,000
  • Spouse & each dependent under 18: €25,000
  • Each dependant over 18: €50,000

B. Real Estate

Hold a residence in Malta for at least five years, meeting one of the following criteria:

Lease a property with annual rent over €16,000


Purchase of a property with value over €350,000

C. Government Bonds

€150,000 into Malta government



The Malta Individual Investor Programme (MIIP) was launched in 2014 and has become the worlds most successful
Citizenship-by-Investment Programme. Passport holders enjoy visa-free travel to 184 countries including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. As a member state within the EU since 2004, Maltese citizens have the right to move freely and reside in any other EU country and, as a member of the European Schengen Area since 2007, to travel visa free throughout the 26 member states.

Malta is a Mediterranean island with a significant historical and cultural legacy spanning over 7,000 years. The neutral country is well-respected and a member of the Commonwealth. As one of the most exceptional places to do business, Malta now has one of the fastest growing economies and top GDP growth rates in the EU, offering favourable legislation and a competitive tax system.


  • EU Citizenship of a well-respected and neutral country that is a member of the Commonwealth
  • Citizenship is for life and affords the right to work and live in Malta or any other EU country including Switzerland
  • Reasonable presence requirement for the main applicant only
  • The MIIP is the only European programme endorsed by the EU Commission
  • The lowest entry point of any EU Citizenship-by-Investment Programme
  • Malta has one of the fastest growing economies in the EU and is a favourable place for business
  • Visa free travel to 184 countries including the US