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St Kitts
    • Capital city: Basseterre
    • Languages: English
    • Population: 54,821 (2016)
    • Nearest country: Antigua (100Km)
    • Total area:261 km²
    • Visa free countries: 155
    • Currency: Eastern Caribbean Dollar


A. Sustainable Growth Fund

The new Sustainable Growth Fund is open for donations with the following thresholds:

  • US$150,000: Single applicant.
  • US$25,050: Spouse.
  • US$10,050: Per additional dependent.

In addition, the due diligence fees are as follows:

  • US$7,500: Due diligence of main applicant.
  • US$4,000: Due diligence for dependent over 16.
B. Real Estate Investments

  • Five-year hold period

Applicants may purchase government-approved property valued at a minimum of US$400,000, or purchase shares valued at the same minimum amount in a real estate development. The investment must be maintained for a minimum of five years.

  • Seven-year hold period

Applicants can make an investment of US$200,000 in a government-approved luxury resort. The investment must be maintained for a minimum of seven years.

In both cases, investors are required to pay additional applicable taxes and fees.



The beautiful, verdant two-island state of St Kitts and Nevis is located in the eastern Caribbean, to the west of Antigua and the south of Anguilla.
Formerly a British colony, St Kitts and Nevis gained its independence in 1983 but has chosen to maintain links with its colonial past by keeping Queen Elizabeth II as head of state. The islands cover 261 sq. km, and the population of just over 54,000 enjoys a high standard of living in a federal parliamentary democracy.
Tourism is the nation’s economic mainstay, attracting more than 600,000 visitors every year and contributing the majority of the USD 1.5 billion annual income.


  • St Kitts is the fastest programme in the Caribbean
  • Visa-free travel to 155 countries including the EU Schengen area, the UK, Singapore and Hong Kong
  • Full citizenship with passport granted to main applicant, spouse, children, and parents or grandparents
  • Required donation is from USD 150,000
  • No personal income tax, gift tax, inheritance tax, or net worth tax
  • No minimum presence is required
  • St Kitts and Nevis is an exceptionally beautiful place to live all year round or to regularly visit your second home. Travel to and from the islands is made easy via the convenient air links to Europe and America